Hello 👋! Thanks for stopping by.
I am a full-stack developer experienced in writing scalable, manageable, and high-quality code that improves product functionality and user experience. My expertise in cross-functional project management includes tangible experience in writing scalable, manageable, and high-quality code that improves both product functionality & user-experience.
I am passionate about identifying and implementing solutions that improve people’s lives. I believe that diversity builds the strongest teams, and that incorporating a variety of viewpoints leads to the best outcomes for customers.
Outside of my professional pursuits, I enjoy traveling, biking, and rock climbing - and love exploring cool coffee and boba shops!
College of Engineering Peer Mentor
Feel free to view my resume, LinkedIn, and or GitHub. I'd be happy to hear from you!
Send me an email at hunter.mark@northeastern.edu or call me at +1 603 498 3082